
Τhe serenity prayer

Τhe serenity prayer. There is a subtle difference between change and acceptance that we don’t always recognize. Furthermore, putting pressure on a situation, anger, constant effort without change, is a trap we often fall into. And this is because we do not know that the practice of peace exists. Often, the problem is not understanding the difference between acceptance and change…

The practice of peace!

The practice of peace, is a prayer of the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr. Equally important, America’s church & military have adopted this practice and incorporated it into their field. Also, the power of the practice of serenity exists because of the invocation of the great Father’s power, blessing and support of the source of life.

“Father, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Pay attention to your energy

Additionally, there are situations that don’t change like height, age, and even a relationship. While the evolution of technology combined with hyper-information, makes us believe that we can intervene in everything. However, we experience a perpetual struggle of total change, without accepting our uniqueness. Even those who advance the path of self-knowledge, the trap of perfection, leads to the rejection of aspects of the Self. It is equally important to give our energy only to what can really change and not to waste it on what we think is changing!

Τhe serenity prayer. Many times we do not accept ourselves, our essence or nature. The practice of stillness helps develop acceptance and forgiveness

How this practice  helps you

Prayer has been and remains a powerful tool in the hands of humanity. In addition, its power and positive effects on the individual’s well-being are known. It is a way of communicating with the source of Creation. While its repetition, reprograms the subconscious mind into new habits and lifestyle. It even supports the incorporation of the ego that we created in order to survive. Finally, it allows us to see clearly through the heart and act through love and compassion.


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