Sun Salutations

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Sun Salutations, or Surya Namaskar, is a unique yoga practice. In Sanskrit, “Suria” means Sun, while “namaskar” means greeting. The Sun, in yoga philosophy, is associated with masculine energy, the right side of the body, and the Pingala nadi, the energy channel where the life force flows.

Sun salutations are a complete practice, especially when we add breathing exercises (pranayama) and relaxation at the end. In addition, if we include healing sounds and self-observation in this specific series of poses, we are talking about a complete wellness experience.

Also, sun salutations are an effective way to start your day as they energize the body while awakening the masculine energy of movement and will within us. Finally, it is an ideal training unit for people who want to strengthen and stretch their muscles simultaneously.

Connect to the source of the entire universe!

Sun salutations are best done outdoors on an empty stomach in the morning, at sunrise.

Benefits for the human body

  • Back Strengthening
  • Stimulating the balance of all systems inside the body
  • Synchronizes breathing with natural movement
  • Increased mental clarity
  • Providing fresh oxygen to the body
  • Balancing metabolism
  • Supports the transition from childhood to adolescence

The Sun Salutations practice sequence-how to

1. Begin in a prayer pose – standing and connecting. If you want, you can sing OM SURYA NAMAHA before starting.

2. inhale, raise your arms up

3. exhale, bend forward, then palms touching the floor

4. inhale, left leg back in the lunge position, then open chest

5. Exhale, move into down-dog position, then drop knees-chest-chin to the floor

6. inhale in the cobra position, opening the chest and strengthening the back

Sun Salutations

7. exhale, and then move to the down dog position

8. inhale; the left leg comes forward inside your hands

9. exhale; bring the right leg next to the left

10. inhale, come to the starting position, and then bring your hands together above the head

11. exhale, the hands come in front of the heart, in the NAMASTE position in a prayer position

Repeat the sequence, this time starting with the right leg

First round

Guidelines for a safe practice

Beginners: Do 2-3 rounds at a time and add another round every few weeks to avoid fatigue.

In good fitness level: Perform from 3 to 12 rounds, gradually increasing the speed.

Moreover, some contraindications are essential to consider before performing Sun Salutations. It is not an appropriate practice for the following cases:

  • Fever
  • Inflammations
  • Too many toxins in your body
  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Arterial diseases
  • Damaged/weak heart
  • Hernia/tuberculosis of the intestine
  • Back problems – consult a specialist before
  • Before 40 days postpartum
  • If you are pregnant

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