Wellness For All
Wellness for All is here to help those needing wellness, almost inexpensively. Today, wellness is not something optional or something that is not necessary. Instead, it is vital. Wellness is a determinant of health and well-being, as well as longevity.
Of course, nowadays, there is an ever-increasing interest on a global scale in the concept of mental well-being and how it contributes to all aspects of human life.
According to an eight-year study in the United Kingdom following 22300 people who had never suffered a stroke, 590 people suffered a stroke during the research.
Wellness For All
Results from the Warwick-Edinburgh Well-being Scale showed that these 590 patients were the least likely to have positive mental health and well-being. In this particular Warwick-Edinburgh scale, of course, the lower the score, the higher the chances of a stroke or a fatal one.
In addition, there is a growing demand for population-level instruments to monitor mental well-being and evaluate initiatives to promote emotional health. Furthermore, the World Health Organization has stated that positive mental health is the “foundation for the well-being and effective functioning of both the individual and society.” At the same time, as a state “that enables individuals to realize their potential, coping with the normal pressures of life, working productively and contributing fruitfully to society.”
Wellness For All
Of course, the WEMWBS (Warwick-Edinburgh Well-Being Scale) was developed by experts, taking into account current criteria. In addition, the WEMWBS is a good measure of emotional well-being. Focusing exclusively on the positive aspects of emotional health is a valuable tool for monitoring emotional well-being at the population level.
In particular, it is a tool for evaluating initiatives to promote mental and emotional health. It is also essential to establish the scale’s sensitivity to change before adopting it in the monitoring context.
”Wellness has to be everyone’s prerogative”
Acknowledging the importance of Wellness for our Health,we create our new program, “Wellness for All.”
We can all now have access to basic well-being techniques & practices. With the system “pay what you like,” you are the one who sets the value to purchase the program, you like.
Start today, and experience a happier, healthier, stronger You!
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