Why we need a spiritual practice

It is true that in the past three years, our living conditions have changed a lot. Everything seems uncertain and undefined. Furthermore, we come in contact with new information that disproves or contradicts our known world. Fear, terror, uncertainty, and anxiety are the emotions we all experience daily, which is why we need a spiritual practice more than ever.


Our life may be short, but it is beautiful! This is something that those who are in touch with the divine part for themselves know!


How can one experience peace and beauty when talking about unpleasant situations?


The solution is the same as the answer. The answer exists inside you; it lies within the piece of you that carries the Higher Power of the universe. Furthermore, each of us is made from different physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions.  


We are human beings with soul, mind & body


Our body is the tangible part of ourselves, our biology, the part that gives us form in this world.


Our mind is our mental part, the calculations, the programming, and all the information that exists within us. In addition, it “runs” our body and takes care of the proper functioning of our biology.


Our soul is the unique piece given to us by the whole universe. The soul is our individual characteristics, our talents, and the reason we exist.


Let’s take the example of the drop of water to understand why we need a spiritual practice more than ever.


A drop of water is a piece of water. It can be bigger or smaller. It can be round or disc-shaped. But it is water; it carries all the properties of water. If you throw it into a glass of water, it will disappear, and we will no longer be able to distinguish it.


Humans are like drops of water withdrawn, cut off, or divided from the almighty whole, having taken a particular shape. Equally important, we have kept the universal properties within us. Sure, a sea is more powerful than a drop, but a drop is enough to cause a chemical reaction!


Just as a drop of water carries the power of the sea, we have within us the power of the entire universe.


Moreover, the characteristics of the divine part are clarity, purity, power, alchemy, selfless Love, and true knowledge. A spiritual practice such as prayer or meditation is a way to connect with the universal part within us.


Spiritual practice is the solution to the problem of our times.


In a meaningless life, the power within us shows us that every life has a meaning and reason for existence and brings a lesson to us.


The answer to chaos & uncertainty is the connection to true knowledge. Not the knowledge from a third party, but our inner Truth.


Its purity eases our anxiety and clarity, and releases stress from our system. The antidote to fear is the Love we discover inside. We can offer this Love to ourselves and others. Its alchemical power brings peace within us, and we, in turn, transmit it to the entire world.


 Additionally, a spiritual practice reminds you of this dynamic and joyful piece of you. A spiritual practice is a decision to smile every day. You start with a smile, and then a beautiful thought triggers a positive feeling. This is how you create a beautiful environment within and outside yourself!


What do you think, after all? Does beauty exist?


Life is beautiful, and this is not some mystical knowledge. Our divine part acknowledges this Truth and awaits us to connect with it. Here’s why we need a spiritual practice more than ever!


Because this connection happens in every spiritual practice…


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