Yoga Nidra

A powerful practice of prevention


Yoga Nidra is a meditation where you can completely release tension and experience the ultimate relaxation. Moreover, relaxation can only come through active awareness and cannot be achieved through unconscious sleep, as the Tantra philosophy describes. In yoga nidra, 45 minutes of practice is equivalent to 3 hours of sleep.

A powerful practice of prevention and promotion of health and well-being. Releases accumulated tension while increasing the body’s resistance levels against stress. Equally important, this unique practice averts the development of psychosomatic diseases.


Yoga nidra and sleep disorders

In unstable and disturbed sleep, the cause is our body’s physical, emotional or mental tension. This is due to the functioning of our brain and how it transitions from the waking state to the deep sleep state.

More specifically, our brain, as an electrochemical instrument, measures its function in waves, which reflect the performance of the central nervous system. In addition, the different types of waves signify the contrasting states of being. In the case of sleep disturbance, our brain changes state, automatically moving from wakefulness and beta waves to sleep and theta or delta waves.

Thus, the main reason why we experience sleep disorders is that our brain rarely experiences the transitional hypnagogic stage lasting 3-5 minutes, where total relaxation takes place. The systematic practice of yoga nidra acts liberating on the three primal levels of tension, muscular, emotional, and spiritual, as they appear in modern psychology.

Hence, yoga nidra is a prolonged hypnagogic stage. During this, alpha waves and the superconscious mind dominate, resulting in deep relaxation and visualization or lucid dreaming.


What problems does Yoga Nidra help

  • Insomnia
  • Lack of sleep
  • Unsettled and Intermittent Sleep
  • Physical Pains
  • Chronic Stress
  • Stress
  • Over strain
  • Overstimulation of the nervous system
  • Nervousness
  • Irritability
  • Worry
  • Prevention of Psychosomatic Diseases
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

Yoga nidra and sleep disorders

In unstable and disturbed sleep, the cause is our body’s physical, emotional or mental tension. This is due to the functioning of our brain and how it transitions from the waking state to the deep sleep state.

More specifically, our brain, as an electrochemical instrument, measures its function in waves, which reflect the performance of the central nervous system. In addition, the different types of waves signify the contrasting states of being. In the case of sleep disturbance, our brain changes state, automatically moving from wakefulness and beta waves to sleep and theta or delta waves.

Thus, the main reason why we experience sleep disorders is that our brain rarely experiences the transitional hypnagogic stage lasting 3-5 minutes, where total relaxation takes place. The systematic practice of yoga nidra acts liberating on the three primal levels of tension, muscular, emotional, and spiritual, as they appear in modern psychology.

Hence, yoga nidra is a prolonged hypnagogic stage. During this, alpha waves and the superconscious mind dominate, resulting in deep relaxation and visualization or lucid dreaming.


In addition, the benefits of yoga nidra for the body are multi-dimensional.

  • It offers more vitality to the body as it relieves pain and relaxes the organs. In addition, it releases tension from muscles, tendons, and ligaments, helping its smooth functioning.
  • Especially, It assists in releasing repressed emotions and negative memories. It renews the body and helps restore psychosomatic balance.
  • Thus, it supports the functioning of the brain and the balancing of the nervous system through deep relaxation. Finally, it enables more quality sleep without tension and disorders.

The process of "Conscious Sleep."

The process of Yoga Nidra takes place in Savasana pose, lying in a prone position on the floor. During the procedure, communication accomplishes mental instructions without body movement.

    • 1st stage
      Yoga  Nidra begins with the complete relaxation of the physical body and senses.
    • 2nd stage
      Now you choose your “sankalpa,” a powerful intention whose formation stems from the heart and mind. It also stimulates the will and regulates and harmonizes the mind and body. Sankalpa is your intention regarding the practice and changes you want to bring about in your life. An example of a Sankalpa could be, “I have a strong and healthy body.” “I’m healthy,” or “I release my weight from wherever source,” or “I release my need for smoking”…

The process of "Conscious Sleep."

    • 3rd stage,
      Where the consciousness tours throughout the body. It is a mental process, and no movement takes place. You follow the speaker’s voice without falling asleep.
    • 4th stage
      The stage of Conscious Breathing. As you breathe normally, at your own pace, a more profound relaxation occurs in your system and absorbs new energy into the cells.

The process of "Conscious Sleep."

  • 5th stage
    Senses and Emotions. The goal here is to recall all repressed emotions to release them. This way, the emotional body is relieved of any tension and negative experience.
  • Stage 6
    This stage is the visualization and mental relaxation stage. At this stage, your cognitive system clears as you visualize the images described by the speaker. Consequently, it releases unwanted thoughts, bringing the mind to complete clarity. So you are ready to enter meditation and experience unity.
  • Last stage,
    The practice of Yoga Nidra ends with an image of tranquility forming a receptive brain to any positive statement. From here, you repeat your “sankalpa” (see stage 2). The practice ends when the speaker invites you to return to the moment with full awareness.

Yoga nidra is not hypnotherapy or some form of hypnosis!

Throughout the practice, the practitioner remains fully conscious and connected with his inner world, contrary to hypnosis.

More specifically, during hypnosis, the practitioner is led into a deep sleep, and the brain restricts its function. While in yoga nidra, although he has disconnected from the external senses, he consciously knows that he is in the process of practicing.

Finally, you do not use any prompts, interventions, or advice from The speaker’s side. After all, gives instructions about the practice development. On the contrary, during hypnosis, the therapist dominates the individual’s will, thus suppressing many functions from external interventions. In yoga nidra, the person remains wholly independent and aware, just listening to instructions while being utterly responsible with free will.!

Reach beyond the familiar

  • Yoga Nidra continues to be adopted by many pioneering educators. besides It is a system that improves the conscious recall of information. In addition, it increases learning levels and helps memory.
  • Both hemispheres of the brain intergrade with the conscious and subconscious mind. because It uses the central nervous system, offering harmony to the whole organism.
  • Supports the mental health & general well-being of the person of the technological age.besides It acts as a natural antidote, stimulating creativity and enhancing individual abilities.
  • Yoga Nidra is the most effective technique for connecting with one’s intuition and mental well as It makes possible its existence in dimensions beyond the known sensory world.

A brand-new Self in 45 minutes!

Experience total well-being through a scientific technique with multiple benefits.

Four sessions are enough to experience and understand the process of yoga nidra. In addition, you take an audio-recorded practice to apply it in your own time and space.

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